cosmic connections to art
Artist: Kasandra Sano
Statement from the Artist:
With the dynamic viewpoints of everyone and everything in the world in the center of it all, to say the statements made, media consumed, education received and various other aspects of human society hasn't had a unique impact on the human mind would be false. Thus, because human society has been more open about personal perspective, humans themselves fear judgement, and with that they alter themselves to fit what is around them. This theme is conveyed through the rainbow appearance of the woman being toyed with by multiple dark colored hands, how they seek to take advantage of that individuality that woman displays.
Statement from the Artist:
With the dynamic viewpoints of everyone and everything in the world in the center of it all, to say the statements made, media consumed, education received and various other aspects of human society hasn't had a unique impact on the human mind would be false. Thus, because human society has been more open about personal perspective, humans themselves fear judgement, and with that they alter themselves to fit what is around them. This theme is conveyed through the rainbow appearance of the woman being toyed with by multiple dark colored hands, how they seek to take advantage of that individuality that woman displays.
Artist: E. Goldeen
Statement from the Artist:
They look the same, but one is female and the other is male. The text in between them reads "doll." Although they are different in gender, they are the same in flesh, blood, and bone. Rather than view them as the eroding outer body, which is like a "doll," people must be seen for who they truly are, an immortal value. Modern society puts superficial price tags on people.
Statement from the Artist:
They look the same, but one is female and the other is male. The text in between them reads "doll." Although they are different in gender, they are the same in flesh, blood, and bone. Rather than view them as the eroding outer body, which is like a "doll," people must be seen for who they truly are, an immortal value. Modern society puts superficial price tags on people.
My One and Only Star, Please Don't Go
Artist: Jeslyn Le
Statement from the Artist:
Interconnectedness presents itself in a myriad of different forms. However, whether it be in person or online, there will always be barriers between us that do not allow us to completely understand the other person. The other person we think we know is a culmination of our ideas, and the way people know you is based on ideas gleaned not from your innermost thoughts and feelings (as they are impossible to see and feel on a tangible level), but from how you present yourself outwardly and their interpretation of the unique experiences shared only between you and them. Between every single individual that exists on the planet, none can understand who you are for certain other than yourself—and even then, our own self-images tend to be massively distorted. The lines between the perceived self and the true self oftentimes blur. Nevertheless, in the face of this uncertainty, we try to hold on to the idea of ourselves, of other people, and the idea of the connection and understanding between us so that we do not feel alone, even if other people aren't who we think we are. We are constantly chasing the image of people, reaching out in the hopes that within the distortion of collective minds we will discover the warmth of a fellow star against the backdrop of a vast and lonely universe.
Statement from the Artist:
Interconnectedness presents itself in a myriad of different forms. However, whether it be in person or online, there will always be barriers between us that do not allow us to completely understand the other person. The other person we think we know is a culmination of our ideas, and the way people know you is based on ideas gleaned not from your innermost thoughts and feelings (as they are impossible to see and feel on a tangible level), but from how you present yourself outwardly and their interpretation of the unique experiences shared only between you and them. Between every single individual that exists on the planet, none can understand who you are for certain other than yourself—and even then, our own self-images tend to be massively distorted. The lines between the perceived self and the true self oftentimes blur. Nevertheless, in the face of this uncertainty, we try to hold on to the idea of ourselves, of other people, and the idea of the connection and understanding between us so that we do not feel alone, even if other people aren't who we think we are. We are constantly chasing the image of people, reaching out in the hopes that within the distortion of collective minds we will discover the warmth of a fellow star against the backdrop of a vast and lonely universe.
SNS Bear
Artist: E. Goldeen
Statement from the Artist:
Young people especially follow standards set by social media. Things like wanting to be cute or popular are only natural, but we only cause pain comparing ourselves to digital pictures and words. The reality is that many internet idols are also unhappy, even if they know how to frame themselves as if they aren't. It is crucial to think critically in order to understand and appreciate yourself, unfazed by the superficial up-and-down values of society.
Statement from the Artist:
Young people especially follow standards set by social media. Things like wanting to be cute or popular are only natural, but we only cause pain comparing ourselves to digital pictures and words. The reality is that many internet idols are also unhappy, even if they know how to frame themselves as if they aren't. It is crucial to think critically in order to understand and appreciate yourself, unfazed by the superficial up-and-down values of society.
Thoughts of the World
Artist: C.F.
Statement from the Artist:
This piece shows the endless possibilities that the world has.
Statement from the Artist:
This piece shows the endless possibilities that the world has.
Crying Angel
Artist: Kiara Chanille Sikat
Statement from the Artist:
This art piece is of the celestial being known as an angel crying. Her wings flair up and she's encircled by a golden ring yet she cries. As high as angels are, she still breaks down. It is an inspirational piece to me since it shows even the greatest people can cry.
Statement from the Artist:
This art piece is of the celestial being known as an angel crying. Her wings flair up and she's encircled by a golden ring yet she cries. As high as angels are, she still breaks down. It is an inspirational piece to me since it shows even the greatest people can cry.